Upcoming Virtual Information Sessions

Join Us to Learn About the Ultimate High School Study Abroad Program!

 Virtual Information Sessions are a great way to learn more about JNF-USA's Israel programs for teens – including school year sessions and summer experiences – from someone in your community.

School Programs in Israel Information Sessions


August 7, 2024

8:00 PM ET



August 28, 2024

8:00 PM ET




Summer Programs Information Sessions



August 19, 2024

8:00 PM ET




AMHSI was the best experience I have had in my life! The experience helped me to find myself, learn to be independent and more responsible, improve my Jewish identity, grow as a Jewish human being, love Israel and make life long friends.”
Shimmy W., Classic Israel 2023

Semester Abroad Programs

The Ultimate Academic Adventure

Spend four exciting months digging deep into the history, culture, language, and geology of Israel, while keeping up with your coursework from home in small group General Studies classes. Offered for both Spring and Fall Semester. Save $7,500 with Dream Israel!

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Mini-Mester Courses In Israel

Our Original Study Abroad Option

Spend two exciting months studying the history, culture, language, and geology of Israel, while keeping up with your coursework from home in small group and one-on-one General Studies classes. Offered in January and April. Save $7,500 with Dream Israel!

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Summer Programs

4 Unique Experiences to Discover

Whether on our academic Classic Israel, on our non-academic adventure Explore Israel, on our innovative Entrepreneurship Program, or on our service-based travel program, Roots Israel, experience Israel like never before! Save $3,000 with RootOne Vouchers!

Learn More


After the unimaginable events of October 7th's terrorist attacks, AMHSI is doing everything possible to stand with Israel during its time of need. As of now, we are proceeding with all planned academic and summer sessions. We are keeping a close eye on the developing situation in Israel and will update applicants directly regarding any developments that may affect their application status.



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