My First Week at Muss

This first week here at Muss has been nothing but surreal and beyond exciting.
In just a few days, I found new best friends, settled into my classes, and even had time to go on a tiyul (field trip) to Tel Lachish.
One of my favorite parts of this experience so far has been studying the Tanakh in Israel Studies and then connecting it to the real world in our tiyulim.
Even as an Israeli, I was amazed by how much Israel has to offer, and how much history we get to explore firsthand.
And now, as we depart for our first overnight trip to Jerusalem, I know this visit will be different from any I’ve had before—eye-opening, meaningful, and filled with new perspectives.
But what touched me the most is the sense of family I’ve found here.
Even though our program started less than a week ago, I already feel as if I've known these amazing people for months.
I can’t wait for all the experiences ahead, especially with the wonderful people I’ve already grown to love!

Ella is a high school junior from Palo Alto, California.