This Passover, I Am Looking Forward to Returning to Israel

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These past three months have been nothing short of amazing here at Alexander Muss High School in Israel. Being able to be here and live in Israel during such a vital time makes it even more gratifying and proud to be a Jew. I am so grateful for all of the incredible friendships and bonds that I have made with not only the other students but with the madrichim and faculty as well.

With Pesach on the horizon, I am part of a group of students who are going back to the USA to have my seder with family and friends, a tradition I hold dear in my heart. While I will miss my home in Hod for the week, I know I will be more excited than ever to come back after Passover when campus reopens.

During these unprecedented times, Israel has come together in the most unimaginable ways in order to support one another and become ever stronger. The bonds that we have created here at Muss are something so special and dear that will bond us together for a lifetime.

I can’t wait to feel and see the excitement and energy that we will all have when we reunite back on campus on May 1st. I know we will be closer than ever, leading up to an amazing end of a once in a lifetime experience of the Spring 2024 Semester. Am Yisrael Chai. Bring Them Home Now!



Evan Caplan is a high school junior from Short Hills, New Jersey.